May 21, 2017
April 23, 2017
April 16, 2017
January 1, 2017
Psalm 1 stands at the gateway to the Psalms like a pair of crouching lions; only the Worthy may pass
., and those who are with him.
November 20, 2016
Ephesus was a prosperous port city and a centre for trade and commerce. It was also a centre of pagan religion, supporting the famous Temple of Artemis. In the Ephesian world-view, spiritual power was exerted through priests, sorcerers and spells, sacrifices and evil spirits, subjecting many to endless rituals, curses and blessings. And so Paul's proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord of all completely disrupted the established order. As a result, some believed and were saved, others resisted and opposed the gospel at every opportunity. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
November 13, 2016
Having escaped Philippi, Paul and his team travel to Thessalonica, the capital city of Macedonia, continuing their mission testifying to Jesus the crucified and resurrected Messiah. We now start to see some patterns emerging in the mission. Our observations of these patterns will inform and shape our own mission and our own expectations of life in the 21st century. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
October 9, 2016
Following the outbreak of persecution, including the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7), many Christians were scattered from Jerusalem, near and far. It seemed disastrous. Despite this, the gospel of Jesus spread rapidly. Philip, one of Stephen's fellow 'deacons', went to Samaria and proclaimed the gospel with great effect. The Jerusalem church responded by 'enlarging their circle' as they sent Peter and John to confirm the new believers in the Holy Spirit. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
September 25, 2016
The giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost launches the mission Jesus gave to his disciples in Acts 1:8. His work in and through every believer, empowering them for their role in the mission, marked the beginning of the last days. After Peters sermon, three thousand were saved. But this success is not credited to Peters skill as a preacher. Rather, salvation is always the work of the Holy Spirit in response to the hearing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.(Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
September 18, 2016
As Luke transitions from his gospel and continues his account of all that Jesus did, chapter 1 recounts Jesus' ascension to his Father and commissioning of his apostles. As Jesus' church, we now share in this mission and must play our part in it.