United with Jesus we testify to Him in a world that will hate us. Instead of hating back, we follow the example of our master: we love the world with great purpose.
Jesus is the true vine, the vine that is carefully tended by His Father and loved by Him. We are the branches that are profoundly connected and utterly dependant on the vine for life.
God's love entered the world in Jesus and we participate in His mind and His character when we live this life of love. It is what creatures are made for: the blessed life.
There are many competitors for our affections and our loyalties. As we look to Christ alone as the true light we will find ourselves breathing in the atmosphere of Christ's love.
Pauls great hopes for the Philippians and therefore, Gods word to us, is that we be partners in the spread of the gospel and a community shaped by truth and love.
Having urged us to show love and mercy to the poor of the world (James 2:8-26), James now applies the 'royal law' of love to the way we speak to other human beings made in the 'likeness of God'. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).