August 4, 2019Published by Alys Martin on August 4, 2019Categories Work That Matters Pt1Work and faith do not exist in different worlds. Instead, they come together beautifully in hope-driven workship'.
January 27, 2019Published by Alys Martin on January 27, 2019Categories Unveiled Pt9_AMTrue worship is worshipping the Father in the Spirit and in truth.
January 27, 2019Published by Alys Martin on January 27, 2019Categories Unveiled Pt8_PMMeeting Jesus changes everything and spurs us to true worship and full obedience to our great God.
January 27, 2019Published by Alys Martin on January 27, 2019Categories Unveiled Pt9_PMMeeting Jesus changes everything and spurs us to true worship and full obedience to our great God.
April 2, 2017Published by Alys Martin on April 2, 2017Categories A Spectator’s Guide to Jesus Pt13God: his oneness with the Almighty