January 28, 2018
April 3, 2016
Divine Grace is God's loving and relentless pursuit of the unlovable, undeserving and ungrateful. It is like a golden thread that runs through the whole Bible, even the Old Testament, because it is foundational to God's nature; overthrowing evil and trumping sin. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
January 24, 2016
It's inevitable that people disagree - so how do we do that well? The character of God offers us a model of non-coercion, forbearance, and love.
December 6, 2015
Mary is a model for us as she expresses curiosity and receives the promises which evoke God's revealed character, which then compels her to participate in God's unfolding story. (Please note, bible study questions relating to the sermon can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip icon, found on the right).
June 22, 2014
1 and 2 Samuel recounts Israel's transition from a tribal social structure to a monarchy in the 11th Century BC. In the light of social and national fragility, God's permanence and dependence remains steadfast.
January 5, 2014