Building A Home

For Welcome + For Family + For Community + For The Future

The St Andrew’s Roseville Hall Redevelopment aims to transform our current aging hall into a flexible, welcoming and comfortable space for our parish and broader community to gather and grow.

With your support, we are building a home for welcome, for family, for the community and for the future.

As an extension and redevelopment of the existing facilities, the hall will now feature new flexible meeting spaces, fresh new accessible bathrooms, and a refurbished hall space.  Multipurpose seminar rooms will allow our growing youth and children’s ministry to continue flourishing, and a new easy access welcoming space will provide opportunities for us to easily gather as a community.  

Providing for church attendees of all ages and mobility, our refurbished spaces will feature level thoroughfare from our worship space to the welcome foyer and hall. A lift will allow easy access to upper floor seminar rooms and balcony.

Our hall redevelopment project will also benefit St Andrew’s mid-week programs including our ESL gatherings, Pilates classes and playgroup, which are all thriving, outward and community facing ministries.

Our hall space has served the Roseville Parish for nearly 60 years due to the faithful provision of God through his people, and we wish to share in this legacy and extend it to the generations that follow us. 

Together, with God’s help, we can do this.

The new entrance from Hill Street will have level access between the church and our new welcoming foyer.

How to Give

We are seeking to raise additional funds for this once-in-a-generation project.

Whilst we, through the generosity of the saints of St Andrew’s, have reached our target to complete a basic refurbishment of the hall, additional funds will allow us to complete this project with the inclusion of some important additional items. 

We hope that you will prayerfully consider partnering with us to provide a safe, comfortable and flexible space for our community to continue flourishing and growing under God.  

Your gifts and pledges are vital to help St Andrew’s reach its fundraising goal. We welcome your gift now, or you can pledge your support over a period of time. The more we receive now will enable us to say ‘Yes’ to the more immediate additional items. Please see below for more detail on this.

Other ways to support this project

We are grateful to the many who can provide financial support to this project, but there are many other ways to get involved.

  • Keep on Praying: prayer points are included below, and we will provide specific prayer points for the duration of the project. Your continued prayerful support is essential as we entrust this project to the Lord.
  • Talk it up: Let’s get excited for what’s around the corner! Share with your church and non-church networks the exciting news about our building project. We want to continue to invite and engage with the broader community of Roseville, building anticipation and excitement for our new and refreshed spaces.
  • Lend us your hands: Before we begin, and for the duration of the build, there are many practical and hands on ways you can get involved. Sign up for a working bee, volunteer to re-set spaces before or after services and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to serve our community. Back to Top

A project 10 years in the making …

The need for a refurbished space at St Andrew’s Roseville has been evident for over a decade.

Early stages
An initial project which included an extensive redevelopment of the entire site, including the worship space, apartment and office was proposed in 2016, with a substantial amount of funds raised through the generosity of the St Andrew’s community. However, the overall financial target proved difficult for our community to reach, and fundraising was placed on hiatus with a new senior minister coming on board, and the start of the Covid 19 pandemic
A time to pivot
In late 2021 the project was revisited. It was agreed that it was in the best interests of our community to re-scope the development, to allow a more achievable target budget. A co-design approach was adopted to define what our church community desired from the site of St Andrew’s Roseville. A series of group discussions, moderated by members of the building committee and ministry staff were conducted over Zoom. This process allowed us broad consultation with both staff and church members and from that feedback, the architectural design brief was developed.
Architects and Project Managers engaged
Midson Group were appointed as the project managers, followed by architects Stanton Dahl who were selected to drive the renewed design process. Ethos Urban we later appointed providing ongoing planning advice and support.
Considering our options
In May 2023, a meeting of the parish determined that the architects design a space that would meet the bulk of our requirements, whilst keeping the costs within a modest range of funds already raised and in the bank. Several options were considered including a demolish and rebuild of the hall, but this project, which is an extension and refurbishment, was viewed by the building committee, staff and Parish Council and the broader St Andrew’s community as meeting the needs of the brief. A revised Development Application was submitted and subsequently approved by Ku-rin-gai Council in 2023, and through 2024, we worked through a comprehensive tender process with a number of building contractors to set on place an appropriate financial target for fundraising.
And today ...
In early 2025, Wardens, with the support of Parish Council and on behalf of the Parish of Roseville, applied to Sydney Anglican Loans for the sum of $780,000 to cover the contingency costs of the build. We hope to not draw into these funds, but they are an essential requirement of the Sydney Diocese to have set aside, so that the project can be approved by the Sydney Anglican Property Trust.


// It’s important to note that it’s not St Andrew’s Roseville, but the Sydney Anglican Property Trust who are responsible for approving and then signing the building contract for this project. Prior to the formal contact being signed, our builders Laycock Construction have been issued a Letter of Intent. This enables them to obtain the essential planning permissions and construction certificates we require to start building as soon as possible after the formal contracts have been authorised. Back to Top

The hall redevelopment will include:

  • A new welcoming area with kitchenette;
  • Improved entrance way from Hill street, with level and covered access between the new welcoming space, hall and church worship space;
  • New accessible toilets;
  • New meeting spaces flowing onto a balcony upstairs with lift access,  and
  • A refreshed kitchen and new storage area in the main hall.

Why are we fundraising?

The current parameters of the building project will provide us with beautiful and very functional new spaces.

We would however, like to complete the project with the following additions to the building scope.

Our construction company Laycock have costed the following and will allow us to add these elements back into the project at a set price, held until the date indicated. Back to Top



Price held until

Stage fit out and lift. This is the conversion of our current stage space into flexible meeting spaces, with a lift for access.


1 May 2025

Mechanical Platform Allowance. This is required to be put in in place for future air conditioning.


1 May 2025

Upper floor kitchenette. We will however install all the plumbing and wiring in place should we choose to add this back in through the project.


1 July 2025

Air Conditioning to new hall. All services will be put in place to ensure that if we raise funds they can be added immediately.


1 August 2025

Our fundraising must initially go towards servicing any costs associated with the loan from the Sydney Anglican Loans (SAL).
Whilst we are hopeful that we will not need to draw into contingency which the loan covers, it’s essential that if we do, that the loan is paid first. 
Learn more about the conditions of the loan below.

After that, we would like to add in all the items listed in the table above, and then use any additional funds for:

  • Full installation of audio visual equipment in the hall;
  • New furnishings for our refreshed spaces;
  • Landscaping; and
  • Upgrades to the lower hall (pre school area) Back to Top

About Sydney Anglican Loans

About our loan:

  • We have approval for a loan facility of $780,000.00, for a term of 15 years, at a rate of 4.74%.
  • Repayments are set at $7,800 per month, however these commence six months after the first loan drawdown or when the loan is 50% drawn, whichever is first.
  • If the loan is only partially drawn at the conclusion of the project, the Parish can apply in writing for pro-rata monthly repayments, and this is very likely to be granted.
  • If the loan is never drawn, there is an undrawn limit fee of 1% per annum, which equates to $650 per month. This will be charged on the undrawn portion from the day the loan is established (after the loan approval and documentation) until the limit is either fully drawn or the undrawn portion is cancelled.
  • We earn 4% interest on our funds deposited with ACPT. Back to Top

Key contacts

  • David Rietveld: Acting Senior Minister
  • Aaron Black, Luke Hall and Alys Martin: Wardens
  • David Vidilini: Treasurer
  • Tori Grimes: Fundraising advisor
  • Parish project advisors: Andrew Killen, Glynn Evans, Tony Stavely
  • Builders: Laycock Construction
  • Project Managers: Midson Group
  • Architects: Stanton Dahl

Questions? Suggestions? Feedback? Contact us here:

Project FAQ's

1 How long will construction take?

It is planned to take about 15 months. 

2 What’s the plan for ministry while the hall is out of action?

All ministries will remain on site utilising our newly renovated Kelman room  and other spaces around the site.  This includes all our mid-week ministries.

The 10.30am service will be all ages for first 35 min, then kids and junior youth will go off to break out spaces on site.

We're also looking into a shade cloth to make our space outside the Kelman Room more functional. 

3How are the staff team feeling about the project?
  • Very happy the hall is getting done, and excited for action.
  • Grateful the Kelman room is done, and happy to be exploring new creative options that are now on the table
  • Mindful of the practicalities: a massive building project alongside all our ministries.  
  • Logistically there is a lot to manage, so we will need your help.
  • We are encouraged by general church cohesion and excitement around the project, and looking forward to enjoying both the journey and destination with church family. 
4Do we need this redevelopment?

Yes, our current facilities have aged out of service, and no longer fit for purpose. 

We need a space that reflects our community: growing, relevant and welcoming, and that facilitates and houses our ministry.

Our hall project:

  • Facilitates hospitality
  • Has break out rooms
  • Manages sound
  • Can be heated and cooled
  • Provides equitable access, such as accessible toilets and level access from church to hall. 
5 How do I give to the project?

Great question! Simply visit here to commit your pledge.

6Who is the best person to contact?

You'll see above a key contacts list - if the appropriate person isn't on there, contact and we'll point you in the right direction.

6 things to pray for


We humbly seek that our whole community will prayerfully partner in this work to provide a safe, comfortable and flexible space for our community to continue flourishing, under God.